Wednesday, March 24, 2010

love is our weapon

i've had so many dreams about you and me.
they finely came true! now we are together. and you were the one i had my first kiss with. i always knew that you were going to be my prince. every time you take my hand i giggle, every time you lean in to kiss my i hold my breath, and every time you talk to me i get butterflies. i just hope this lasts longer then what you make it seem.

Friday, March 19, 2010

is this love?

why is it that when i look in to your eyes i get a feeling inside my tummy? what is that feeling? And why is it that when your hand touches mine, my fingers lose their feeling? well i hope i get this feeling again but not when im with someone thats not you. ^_^ well i love you and i always will

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

my nightmares always come true but my dreams never do...?

Ouch, i hate when you make my heart hurt.
i think you just tell me things to upset me. And make me jealous. well it works :/

i wait for you and try my hardest to get you for the past 10 months. And you make me think i win you hold my hand. you look into my eyes for the longest time and then you tell me "you really like" me. i let you know, with out saying i like you too, that i do. then you take it away from me. SO what did you do then?!?! you kicked me while i was down! i never said ANYTHING. all i did was sit there and you started all this drama. well what ever im sure ill come out on top. ill just have to keep up with my nightmares.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

oh spring love... is it fake?

you make me so happy, and you make me so sad. But when you told me you liked me i felt like flying. now i feel the pain of you taking that love away. i guess ill just have to wait but i hope you think of a life with and with out me... now see which one is better. Im sorry i just love your friendship too much to let it go. please dont ever let me go.

Monday, March 1, 2010


i hate that people say "your just one person but you can change the world" but i don't want to change something that big right away. Ill try something smaller. But when i step up to the plate you tell me that i'm just one person i cant change something like this. Oh but i can change the world humm... am i the only person that sees something wrong with this? I sure hope not!